
Showing posts from April, 2018

Winebox cajon

Learnt of this type of percussion musical instrument from a friend, and was inspired to build one from a wine box. Materials Pinewood wine box with nice grain and a 3mm plywood lid ideal for the tapa, guitar bass strings, scrap wood Gluing up the lips to hold the tapa and bass strings. Guitar bass string snare system with adjustable tension via Allen key screws from the back. Multiple holes to create different the string patterns for customisable tapa profile.   Cut sound hole on one side (leaving back and other side available for play) and install stands. Screw on tapa, leaving top two corners free of screws to get a slapping sound effect. Soundclip Concept of guitar string attachment and tensioning. Some of you have asked about how the guitar strings are installed.  Double up as bird cage ;-)

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